Levering Hall Tour

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So today we're delivering Cafe, and this is one of the nicer dining halls. If you have a plan with dining dollars, you can spend them here. They have a lot of nice options, like noodle bowls. I think they also have sushi, and it's just like a nice place. They can hang out with some friends when you want something that's better than efficacy. So it's a rice bowl with trippy salad, zucchini, carrots, broccoli, squash and olives. I got like, a cart garlic dressing for this and Caroline over here got a burrito. It's like hold for rice and and also like avocado. I want to say it's also like seventy eight fighting dollars, which is a pretty good deal, especially when we're like reaching the end of spring semester when everyone was sounds like a lot of dieting dollars and we gotta spend it can also be like you, like all I really loathe.