Interview 2: Julia
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I'm sure a freshman talking and I'm an international studies. So what? Air classes, like my crosses are really nice. I like to have, like, a mix of lecture crosses that are larger. My favorite are the sun, our hostage because you're smaller and you get more attention, Professor. Like, what do you want to do with your degree? Well, I'm also thinking about minor your business, so hopefully like crossing like international studies with business in some way. In high school, I was Anderson and Business Law, so that's cool. So are you involved with any clubs or anything on campus? Yeah. So for my major, I'm in like the international studies solution comes along. So for that I'm in a committee like within it, and we like plan panels like within the major and get like speakers stuff, and it's really fun. I'm also a woman in business, which is like the other field. I'm interested and it's just like all girls like woman of this, like have events to related to business, and it's really funny.