Brody Learning Commons
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Brody right now and the Sistine Level, and people can study or, like, even chill in the cafe over there. Yeah, now we're in Brody Cafe on this place has the daily grind, but I love getting child. So this is the quite reading room, and it's completely silent. It has a nice view, and it's one my favorite places to study in This is a level which is the first trouble that has MSC side on it. MSC and Brody learning comments are kind of like to connective libraries, and Brody is open twenty four seven. MSC closes at three a. M. And there's a lot of juice. What's over here? And these are our reserve a ble. It's also a puzzle in case you guys get aboard. So this is a level, and it's like this, like weird half level, and it's maybe like inside embassy on the subway gets really loud, so I don't like to study here. This is Brody Atrium and a lot of people just like work together here on DH. It's really just a nice open face. Sometimes it's hard to get tables, but that's okay. There's white boards everywhere to do your work. It's really the heart of the library that people have to socialize here to. So this is the level which is the fourth level of a library. So it's semi fly it on, and it was pretty far back. It's an MSC and there's a lot of people goes where students do independent work when they're setting for really traffic jams. So we can't really talk in this level. What I really want to get stuff done like to work here inside. Just so that was level and we couldn't really talk in there, but it's just a lot more like quiet studies face. Can you? Can you like tidy snacks? My cover drinks So Cee Lo, because I think the table's so even if you were my space with friends you have there, but they also keep people towards right, so it was really quiet. So now we're going to go into the level, which is also super quiet, and this is like the lowest level you could go on. It's really scary because it's like silent, but if you really want to get stuff done like you come here because you're not going to socialize with anyone, So in general, people tend to spend a lot of time in the library. I know I pulled all nighters and here before, but on average I probably spend two to three hours a week. Sometimes it's heavier when I have midterms or finals, but I really try toe spread out or, like, go around to different places when I'm studying. So I'm not like holdup in Broad E all the time, but they're definitely some people that you will like without fail.