Walking Tour of Bluestone Dr. and the Quad!

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S O bluestone drive is a road that goes pretty much through campus, at least the main part of campus. So I'm gonna give you a quick walking tour of what's on this. Don't drive because there's a lot behind me is Mr Chips. It's like a CVS, basically without the pharmacy part. Or if you're hungry and it's the only place open on campus, I'm going food from there. Not like a dining hall, but like a bar or cereal or something like that. There's a Jane you sign that's really great for taking pictures that when there's not construction around it, andan in front of us. Madison Unit is where if you'LL be on campus will pick up your main hall on the bottom of Madison Union. There's this place called Taylor Down under where you can play pool. There's an anti ends down there on DH. What else activities is down there. They have a lot of events down until Taylor down, under which people call TV you. It's like two buildings, but they're connected in some points. There's little room in there, so if you're part of our sorority opportunity, sometimes they have events of their in the ballroom. Then behind Madison unions Switch next to it are the hillside dorms, but you can see right now, um, they are air conditioned. I believe on there a little far from some things, but they're really close to SSC, which is nice on their clothes to de hub, which is that template structure over there. Way turned right off of Bluestone Drive onto a walking path around right now, and we're headed toward the quad, but here is the library, one of the library's position carrier I'LL take you guys into their later and give you probably a more silence tour so we don't disturb the people in there. Like most libraries on college campuses, the first floor of the library it could be just like regular, um, volume with your voice and do whatever you want with Starbucks down there. Third floor There's like no talking, no talking at all. I feel I was feel weird, like just unzipping my backpack like too much sound. I feel like I'm such a nuisance, snuffling and stuff. Some people need that silence, which is definitely a good opportunity for them. So here we are, approaching the quad, and it's a beautiful day out, so there's a bunch of people out here studying. I'm sure we'LL see a couple of dogs, and that looks like there's even some sort of inflatable thing. I'LL show you guys is like Wilson being laconic. It's currently under construction, which is less than ideal. Having been inside with the outside is really pretty. So along with Claude are all these buildings, which mostly hold classrooms. Some of them are dorms or alumni Hall has, like the office of the president. Everything but what I really love about shave you when it's warm enough outside Sonny, everybody. Don't you see that one over there playing Frisbee? Um, looks like there's a inflatable something over here. Not sure never known here, but it's really, really pretty out here. I love the quad. Gone, there is Forbes, which is the performing arts center. If you're a prominent major or, um, take a performing arts class for generations or whatever could easily be in their it's a really pretty building. Uh, yeah, since the quad. So if you kind of Jane, you I definitely recommend getting a picnic blanket or something so that you can study out here when it gets warm.