A tour of my dorm!
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I'm going to give you a tour of my dorm room quick so you can see what some my generic doubles like. Mine's a little bigger and different than a lot of the other buildings, but when you walk in, our closets are on the left. They have a bar to hang your clothes there, shelf at the top for some extra storage spirits of the bottom for shoes and stuff like towels, sheets to our right. That target that's really nice for racial storage and toiletries is just like that. My desk a little bit of a mess, but I got this hutch from someone who would come here previously for free the university cells and rents them. See if you can try and get one without spending any money. It's always a good way this's my roommate. So we have a big enough room that we decided to both lost our beds on DH put a TV and accounts under it or a photonic. I want to ask both of three drawers, but a pretty deep on DH, um wide, which is really hopeful. I found that having little places to store things has been really great. So does this one fight TV stand has a bunch of storage bins in it in the house. That's our mini fridge You can see on the university website. The size requirements for mini fridge is on the number you can happen when people are in your room.