College Week In My Life at IUPUI
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I'm actually going to be blogging for you guys. Um, I've honestly been putting this off just because if I'm gonna be honest, I don't really do a lot of interesting things at college. So then I end up deleting it, so but I'm gonna force myself. So on Mondays and Wednesdays, I have two classes, But today, my first class, Actually, it's not canceled. Like today is what we call flex Day, in which we just review for the test, which I'm not gonna go to because it's not that beneficial for me. I do have an anatomy test today at 4 30 So fun, which is funding because I'm actually going to go meet with the professor at three o'clock to go interview him for one of my other classes. That's kind of weird, but yeah, today should be kind of interesting. But I am going to go ahead and go to Well, I'm gonna go to starve experts, and I'm gonna go to the library because I know if I stay in my room all day, I will not want to do anything. Going to the library, really? Just some place in public will help me be a little bit more productive, but I don't know what I want for lunch. I think I'm going to take let's see what we're having here. I think I'm gonna take one of these to go he up yeah, uh, I'm just gonna put that in here from someone. You guys didn't know I walk like 10 maybe 15 minutes every day to get to class. Most of the time I just walk, which I don't really mind, especially on a day like this, because it's been really nice lately. Um, it got so you know, I'm from Indiana and the Midwest has some pretty bipolar weather, so Yeah, but like on a day like this, it's It's pretty nice to walk in. Um, after lunch actually ended up going back to my dorm, I wasn't planning on it, but I was just feeling super tired until I went back and I took a nap, and then I got up to go meet my anatomy professor to interview him for one of my extra credit projects for another class. Now I'm just sitting here underneath these really a pretty trees. Yeah, I don't know when I'm going to flog next. I just threw my hair up in a bone because it's really hot in my dorm. Like, I'm really oily in, like, sweaty by holding this up, right? But yeah, I really gross. I'll show you guys, but I got I got this burger. It's reportedly cheeseburger, which is really good, but I got it without any onions. So if you go toe, I pee while you should try this, it's really good. So I don't know what I'm gonna vlog next, cause honestly, I have a lot of homework. What did he do that? I don't know why I do that. That's like, that's, like, everybody's defense mechanism when they don't know what to do. I think I'm gonna go to Caribou and get a coffee. I'm just gonna find a place to just really be productive this time. I could just take the shuttle, but half the time I don't really want Thio. I don't know why, but that's what I need to stop doing that That's so annoying. It's just cause it's really zoomed in, huh? So what thing is fat. Okay, I'm going to get super e. Don't I e m Back in my dorm. So I have a 90 m tomorrow, but actually think we're gonna wake up, like, pretty early so I can get my laundry done before I have to go home. I'm really stressed out because I've been trying to finish this presentation for my English class, and I'm trying to cite some stuff and I'm just really confused on how decided it. You guys will definitely get to see that because she's bringing in some food because my birthday is tomorrow used. Hey, you guys want to see Oh, What? Don't say anything inappropriate. My mother? Yes, actually, In my grandma, I I'm actually working. I can't promise that I'm gonna do a weekend of my life because I am feeling sick. My head hurts, but still what kind of hurts? So, yeah. Actually, don't let me know, because I don't really do anything and just take put. Thank you guys so much for watching and be sure to subscribe.