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Had to take two separate s. Please get up here. That's what? That's how deep it is underneath ground. As you can see, behind me is Chinatown is kind of like the kind of opening gate Main Street, Chinatown, which is H Street. Right down the street, we're gonna be heading to the National Gallery, where we're going to see the new portrait of I brought Michelle Obama. Chinatown is a cool place because there's a lot of attractions that lead people here to D. C. From the food, too. When my one of my favorite places here in Chinatown is Gallery Place Theater, which is a huge theater, has like a bowling alley inside, it's about like four kind of floors of awesomeness. Some also cool places like, you know, I've been outfitters for shopping back beyond over some House products and other stuff on and also is the Capital one arena where you know the Washington Wizards play. If there's some artists who have concerts in such the International Spy Museum is right over here. Put your gallery was one of my favorite art museums ever. I'm always down here, and you're going to see why. It's almost building right in front of me, just across the street But once we get in there and show you guys somewhere, fight.