Off Campus Fun
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I'm back with another video, and as I promised, this video is about the off campus things that you can do here at Owen, the two first places that I can think of our whisk oy and lech with park and these air beautiful scenic places. The Whisk Oy has multiple waterfalls, and it's just beautiful scenery. Then let trick has waterfalls but also has trails that you can walk on and just tons of places to explore. The two places that are probably the closest Toho in that people access very regularly are three bums and China Star. China Star is Chinese food, and three bombs has wings and pizza. Um, those were really the only like restaurants that are super close. There is also a restaurant that's called Aces. Another place that is five minutes away from Ho in is a place called Moss Lake. Last year was to go in every season So summer, fall, winter and spring. Just the trees and the moss and the lake itself is just really pretty. People go to wing night and this is on Thursday nights from a certain time to a certain time. The wings are heck of cheap, and so people will go there late at night and wait for an hour. It's a part of the experience of waiting for an hour with a bunch of friends. Um, to get wings that are, like three bucks Houghton tip Find friends with cars. It's good to have friends with cars because I've made it Thio, Buffalo and Rochester. It's a lot of fun to party there with friends and then Walmart. It's good to find people who can help you get your groceries for the week or snacks for the week. Um, I know the volleyball girls typically go to Believers Chapel, which is an hour from Putin and we'll drive up there, Go to church, will go to Walmart, uh, to do the weekly shopping on and then come back. Other off campus stuff is just If you have friends that are commuters, it is likely that you will go to their house. I do have two people on the volleyball team who are commuters, so we do go to the one girl's house all the time. She has a house that's surrounded by beautiful pine trees and a lake. Then we also have another, uh, commuter on our team who has a lake house. Those are the closest things, some far things but things that I go thio occasionally. E no, there's a lot more out there that people go to, but these air personally, the places that I go to and have a lot of fun going, Toso, I hope you will follow me along in the next video.