housing info & dorm tour!

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Okay, so this video is going to be about housing on campus as well as my room tour. So I just wrote down the Colluded with things that I wanted, like mentions it. I make sure hit all my points I want talk about Also. Freshman at high point, our guarantee housing on campus and on campus housing is really popular through like a regular four year track at college. So specifically for freshman is how I want to be talking about the most. So there are a lot of options for where freshmen want to live on campus for our first year, and our housing is separated into five tiers, and we talk about tears wanted to, which are the choices that freshmen have when they're first coming to high point. So you have your base costs, which is tear one and then tear to would be adding around things like three thousand dollars to your base cost. So the freshmen dorms on campus are Belk Blessing Finch, which is the honors dorm Millis, which is the Boys Dorm, Juan IQ and University Center to also is you see too, And the women's complex, which separate it into four hallways. McEwan is where I live, So I do live in the women's complex, though I do live in a Tier one dorm, so I don't have like a kitchen and I have a twin size bed. We still have like a refrigerator and like a microwave like you have in your normal dorm. So even though I live in to your one, I still think that High Point has like a really nice storms. I still think that the doorman of super spacious me, I won't even have a closet that we share and put all our stuff in, and what's different is in the hallway that I live in. McEwan is that different from the three other hallways. Islamic human is sweet style, so I do share a bathroom with my sweet mate who lives next door so that that's a little bit about housing. There is also a lot of information on High Points website. We even have three sixty tours for all the housing options are offered at high point, and that's definitely what helped me the most in deciding where I wanted to live my freshman year. My roommate is working on one of her video projects right now, so there's a lot of camera equipment in the room, but yeah, just tried to ignore that. Okay, so this is like a little overview of what you see when you first walked in. The biggest thing in our room is that we're just trying to, like, get as much storage as possible for, like, the space that we have. Okay, so this is my side of the room, and this is my roommate side of the room. We have some hangers behind the door, which is really nice. Like I said, we just try, like, use as much stores is because we're given. So we have some, like cubbies that we made up here, and actually this rack here we actually bought to give us more space because it only came with this side, so you would actually have ah lot more room in the closet. I got some she racks, and I also have this which I hold some sweaters in, and then just lots of stuff to hang, and then you have some more hang rocks on the back. Wait, keep our garbage pails here and then more on my side. What's cool is we actually have these, like two little shelves, which were kind of inconvenient first. I actually really like them because But I could just, like, add more stuff. Like I said, we have these drawers here which are actually pretty spacious. I keep my shirts in here, and you could actually add a lot of stuff in them. Storage under the bed, which goes all the way behind. Then this is just like my desk, where I look like snacks and extra books, and then you also have some more room under the desk. Then you also have, like, this little addition that goes above the desk. We shouldn't just, like, add more stuff, so they definitely like, keep in mind the amount of space you have, so we try to, like, do stored as best as possible. Then this is just a little vanity where we each have our staffs. My roommate stuff, my stuff that we have some more room under the sink and then, just like four drawers and then into the bathroom, some more hanging here, which comes with it. This showers actually like way bigger than I thought it was going to be. We all have those tarts for proof you'LL find is that And then over here is my suitemates room, but it's pretty much the same set up. I hope that gave you a better insight into what a freshman dorm and the women's complex looks like. Like I said, if you have any more questions or if you want, like more in depth information like the dimensions, all of that is on High Points website, so you can get all that information if you need it.