Sung talks about Student Housing at Harvard and explains the blocking system
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I just wanted to talk to you guys briefly about freshman dorm ing and distort me in general at Harvard. So what happens is freshman year everyone gets put into a freshman dormitory in a random lottery. So your roommates or random, you're where you live, is random, and everything is just random. They do take into, like your opinion, just a little. You fill out like you housing, housing, opinion survey or something in this summer, and then they match you up and you find out in August, like, three weeks before school starts to your room. It's going to be it worked out particularly well for me. I mean, my roommate and I, we get along so well, we have, like, this same sleep habits. Might some room? Um, sometimes you're roommates and you don't like you don't really get along with your roommates. In that case, you're always talked with your proctor and sell out and move out of the, uh, out of the room and move into a different room. After freshman year, you get put into something called houses, houses, air, upperclassmen, dorms. They have each house has a library, a dining hall, a gem, work spaces and everything is just amazing. It's like little dormitories with, like, little like housing systems, which is why it's called the house, and yet they're a bunch of them here. It's we have about, like, nine different ones, I believe so you find out what around February which house you're going to be in, and you find out with your blocking troops. So blocking is something that's done in like January February, and you and up to seven other people can form a block, and you guys are guaranteed to be in the same house together. It doesn't mean you guys have to room together. It just means that you guys will be in the same houses together, which is pretty nice. It's like you and seven of your closest friends. It can be a little stressful because you coming realizing you only have, like, five months to form a blocking group, your closest friends, and that could be a little stressful. So we're walking to this person, Terry Fear and they'll show you guys a little bit more in a sec.