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Sung explains the College Events Board
"The Yard" is an open space on campus where there are constantly events going on. Here you can see students getting ready for Fall by painting pumpkins and playing pong.The college events board is in charge of planning all the events on campus. In the beginning of the year they hold a class barbeque for all the students to come together and hangout.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
So I'm back in the yard, and it looks like the college event sport is putting on a low ah yard event recently to college events, board planes, different events for the entire school. Like, for example, to kick off the fall semester, we hade a new, entire event that just filled up the entire tercentenary theory. They had a barbecue going on games, three giveaways. I think they're going to do like, pumpkin decorations. There seems to be a bunch of, like your games and stuff.
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