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I just want to We're walking to Lamont Library right now while we're walking. I just wanted to let you guys know a little more about Harvard academics. So a lot of classes during two types of classes they're reading classes and your piece set or problem set classes so allowed to stem classes are problems that classes while ought to humanity's and stuff like that. You're right a lot on DSO. You want a diverse mix when you're taking out that makes here on Every class has a lecture, usually and from lecture. It's like groups of ten to twenty people from your lecture who don't get paired with a TIA on which is a teaching fellow. A grad student who is supporting that class on DH US go either date. TF either read like teachers The entire lesson or yes, have discussions. We just talk about the readings to be about the psychological effects and stuff like that. I just want to show you guys wind your library again. People go here, you know, out wine, your library house like the reputation of being like very quiet. You're not You don't really talk if you one of you when you go to like a whiner, it's like very much like individual studying, intent, working method and something really agree about Harvard is all the classes run on Harvard time. Harvard Time is, that is one you can be late to any class seven minutes. It's a class off classes always start seven minutes after. If you're on the sill of us, it's us. We meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from ten o'clock to love in a clock. It's really Tuesdays and Thursdays from ten o seven to eleven o'Clock. Personally, that's very useful for me because I never wake up until, like, nine fifty a night rush and I get there by ten. No. Five and I'm still early and class hasn't started yet. I'll show you gets more about Lamont and the library systems on campus.