My First Week at College... Cleaning Dorms | Harvard Pre-Orientation Vlog 2019
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I'm kind of speaking quietly and I'm gonna have to change. Like actual cleaning work for FC starts tomorrow. Then I took the t Red one gang and Yeah, really excited. That's all you have to say to the people too, By the way Personal. Where? I don't know if I ever was in my dorm but I am in my dorm. I made a whole bunch of friends and actually made a little squad like That's who I was kind of like hanging out with. We got, like, burgers and prized children coming from really conversations my first official night. I don't know because I'm in here by Yea, I didn't want to disturb anyone coming in at, like 1 a.m. But yes, it's okay, We're good, we're good. So tomorrow morning the day starts like 7 30 for breakfast or seven records. Um and then work starts at nine finishes at 3 45 and yeah, today was actually really fun. It's like a little squad. There's seven of us. So I'm really looking forward to the next four years. Uhm today we actually have work to do? It's about seven. There's actually no one here, which is really weird. Um, I'm gonna get breakfast soon with some of the friends. I might take some videos today because I did it yesterday. I thought it was gonna be, like, really, really hot today, but it's not wearing my actually you shirt. It's really cute, you see? Oh, that looks phase. Okay, okay, So yesterday was our first day of work for dorm crew. Cab Cab is actually really nice, and apparently it's not even the best Claude House. Like my friends are talking around me in Spanish like I want to learn Spanish. Um, something you want to do? Chinese? Maybe I'll shop both. I ended up staying in my dorm for the rest of the night, which is fine, because the night before I was out with 2 a.m. I'm played the sins state upto one s Oh, not not as good or not as good as I'd like it to me. Yeah, I'm getting a head over to mother soon, and yeah, hopefully you'll meet William today, and hopefully, I'll actually get footage of, like work. 7 a.m. It's Monday, and it's the last day of love. Like we were cleaning cabinet and then, which is a freshman dorm? I forgot we were somewhere else. We weren't expecting finally expecting, which is pretty nice, because it's light work some. I met some really, really cool people, like actual friends I'm trying to keep throughout the years of Washington's or the little Yeah, today is early moving day on tomorrow's official moving day. My family's coming tomorrow morning, so that's gonna be nice. It's like I'm thinking of getting like one of the police jackets or whatever, because I'm like, really cool and I don't have anything. They're like two singles on the double in here. That's what their work, whatever it is, what it looks like. So we're gonna figure out what's gonna happen. I think she's gonna buy me a cheap bag that I could be used for a year. I could use that chance Where baggage Just like really heavy. That's going to be the thumbnail, or it should be bags. We are doing light because we're doing ours today, so Oh, this'll is on camera. Oh, I look so different without my glasses on O. Okay, so So this is Frankie's dorm info. Okay, So reasonably sized single bathroom this'll is reasonably size. Yeah, You have all the things that you're gonna have to go back to my crib.