Wellness Walks on the Hampshire College Farm with Alison
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Hi, my name is AlisonI'm a Div-III or seniorat Hampshire College.Today, Violet and Iare going to take you for a walk.You're probably going to see mewearing a mask for all of this video,and that's because in Massachusetts,we have mandatory mask mandates.[upbeat music]The first place that I ever went onin Hampshire College's campuswas the Hampshire College Farm.Today, I'm going to go back therewith my dog, Violet,10to think more and reflect on whyit was that the Hampshire College Farm11was such a significantand impactful memory for me12as part of my first-yearexperience at Hampshire.13[upbeat music]14Raymond Carver,This Morning,15"I dressed and went for a walk,determined not to return16until I took inwhat Nature had to offer."17Sometimes as an undergraduatestudent at Hampshire,18I really find it meaningful to justbe able to go off for walks outside19and enjoy nature in between classesto help me unwind20from the stresses of beinga college student.21[upbeat music]22Not every college campus is locatedon such a scenic and rural setting,23but if you can find a college that is,I definitely recommend looking into it.24Although your grades are going to beimportant in college25so is your mental health.26It's really important that you canfind a college that offers you27things that you can do in yourfree time that really feed your soul28and are good for your body.29[upbeat music]30What are you doing todayto take care of yourself?