Dorm Room tour with Maisie
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-Hi there.I am Maisie, and todayI am going to take you on a tourof the freshman dorms hereat Hampshire College.Right now, I am standing in frontof the Winthrop S. Dakin house,which is where mostof the freshmen live.So, let's get started.This is the Dakin quad.It's a great place to sit outside,eat meals, or talk to friends.And now we are going to go on a tripto the dining commons,10which is just a super quick twoor three minute walk11from Dakin and is where you canget breakfast, lunch, and dinner12seven days a week,13and as you can see,it's a short walk,14because, voila, here we are.15Once you get your food,there is this beautiful lawn16for you to eat on or hang outwith friends or throw a frisbee,17and it's super fun.18So now, let's head back into Dakin19and I'll show you oneof the dorm rooms.20All right, let's get started.21Let's go see my dorm room.22You can see, I have my bedagainst the wall and my desk23against the window and lotsand lots of pretty lights24and artworks hung upwith sticky tack,25and my desk looks out26on some beautiful treeswhich are just,27just beginning to change colorsin the fall.28And each room comes with a desk,a bed, closet space, and a dresser.29There's me.30So now, let's go see the common room.31Each lounge has a refrigerator,a microwave, and a TV screen32that you can plug a laptop into.33They also all have this super coolchalkboard wall34and a lovely balconythat you can go out and sit on.35Every incoming freshman getsa really detailed housing preference36form before they start schoolin the fall37where you can list preferenceslike "I would like to live38in a quiet dorm" or"in a single-gender dorm"39or "in a substance-free dorm"or "a dorm on the first floor"40or any preference you have41that would make your first yearhere better.42Hampshire College staffand faculty are super thoughtful43and really want to do44what they can to makeyour experience here fantastic.45The housing preference formalso has space to talk a little bit46about yourself and your interestsand what you like to do,47and that plays a partin who your hallmates are.48For example, my hallmatesand I all really love poetry,49so sometimeswe will have poetry nights50where we read our own poetry,poetry by other people that we love,51and drink tea and eat cookies,and it's a really,52really lovely bonding experience.53All right, and that's everything.54I hope you guys enjoyed comingaround with me today55and seeing the Hampshire Collegefreshman dorm experience56and learning a little bit more57about what it's like to be a freshmanhere at Hampshire College.