Collaborating Across Disciplines at Hampshire College with Professor Thom Long

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And so I think what's unique about this room in particular, but as well as Hampshire is that you're going to see an intersection of multiple disciplines. Um, and then we don't just have one studio for architecture students that are siloed thinking about buildings and another group of students thinking about print media, and another group of students thinking about furniture. In fact, all of those things are happening simultaneously. Typically what our students tend to focus on is an idea about solving a problem and we're not quite sure what discipline that is yet. So we're trying to teach them some kind of creative range. So when they approach a problem, they don't just go to some default. Oh, this is a problem. We should make a building, instead where we have our students are approaching a problem trying to suss out what might be a solution, and they're working within a variety of disciplines to try to solve that, or in a collaborative way across multiple disciplines, all in one room, um one working studio rather than distributed inside of campus. So it's a very interdisciplinary, transitionary space where students can see and interact and critique around their work um that they typically would in some other design schools or typical classrooms.