Mod Life at Hampshire with Glenn

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Hi thereGlenn again.They or she pronouns.I wanted to show youa little bit around my dorm roomand talk abouthow housing is on Hampshire's campus.I live in Greenwich.Behind me you have my closet.10A beautiful window.11Every room has a window.12We have so many trees on campus,13it's so beautiful.14I have a bed.15I have a desk.16I have a weird hanging rack17that I didn't really like.18All of the furniture at Hampshire19is pretty customizable.20Bed, you can raise or lower.21I have a bunch of storage under mine.22There's these dressers23that come in Greenwich.24There's two dormitories, Merrill and Dakin.25When I lived in the dormitories,26I had one that was built into the wall27and then a mirror.28Now that I'm in Mod,29the furniture is more separate.30Then I have31this bookshelf right behind me32on my desk.33The desk is a slab of wood34which is supported by another bookshelf.35One of my friends36likes to deconstruct her furniture.37It's really nice.38It's really customizable39so you can just make your room40how you want it to be.41One thing about Greenwich42is that the walls are slanty.43It's hard to capture on film44but, as you can maybe tell,45this wall is at an angle.46This is my friend.47We have a small little bathroom,48but it's a bathtub49which has been really nice.50This is Tessa,51I met in my first year.52I'm really, really happy to be living with her.53I'm studying acting54particularly in dance and film55but my Div title is56Stories through Acting and Dance.57Playwriting and dance58and all that type of jazz.59Glenn and I are fake roommates.60Our dorms are right next to each other61because most of Hampshire is single dorms,62which is really great.63We lived right next to each other64and got all the good things of65being roommates, with the privacy.66Yes.67We did not have to deal with each other's68different cleanliness ideals or anything.69I could always go over to Tessa's room.70Tessa could always come over to mine.71It was just a really good72first year experience.73It was so great.74You were like the first person I met.75One of the first few people I met76You were either the first77or the third person I met.78I don't actually remember.79One of those for me too.80We've actually lived81right next to each other82for the past two years as well.83Pretty much lived with each other84for all of our college experience.85Living in singles is so nice.86I don't know why more colleges87don't have single rooms,88but if you do not want a roommate89you do not have to have a roommate,90is basically how it works here.91It's great.92We were also in a short hall,93so there were only like seven of us living94in one hall together.95It made it so that you still got96to meet a bunch of people,97which I feel like is one of the main98drawbacks of not having a double.You could still99I made my friend group100within the first two weeks.101It was great It was really lovely.102It was really lovely.103Obviously, I'm still friends with them.104I was an orientation leader105and I got to know a little bit about106how housing is assigned for107first year semester.108It went by tutorial.109With the new academic program110it's not a small group of students,111it's a larger seminar.112Your halls were assigned113so that it would all be114people who are in your seminar.115In a larger class, 40 people,116you have 4 professors,117you're learning a lot118and it's very inter-disciplinary,119but you want to make more connections.120A lot of the people I know121who are first-years have bonded122really hard with their halls123and have agreed to be close contacts.124It's really lovely.125We're spaced out this year126because of COVID and social distancing,127which I'm really glad our college has128the capacity to do129because it means I get to be back on campus130and it's delightful.131The way Greenwich mods are structured132is they have a doughnut.133They're the Greenwich doughnuts.134Each mod is a slice out of that doughnut.135They're apartment-style houses136for upper year students.137First years don't usually live in them138but you can pool your points,139which is composed of140how many semesters you've been here,141with other students.142You make friends,143you get a house with your friends.144Our house is two stories.145The first floor we have146our living room and dining room.147Two in one, as well as the kitchen.148This is another one of my friends.149The beautiful Theresa Dart.150She uses she/her pronouns.151I'm doing Applied Design.152That's a lot of engineering,153architecture,154literally making things.155Spend a lot of time156in our beautiful Lemelson shop157with blacksmithing and forgery and casting.158It's really badass.159It's really badass.160I really only mentioned the badass stuff.161There's boring stuff too,162don't you worry.163I believe you,164but they don't have to know that.165I forgot to mention,166you also get to name your mods.167We're the Party Grandmas.168We had to split our friend groups169and the other ones are the Quiet Grandmas170because they are less rambunctious.171We're not rambunctious either.172Really at all.173Everyone who lives in a mod174gets to have a kitchen.175They don't necessarily come stocked176but you can pool your resources.177Kitchen has four burners, an oven,178a fan, so it doesn't get terribly smokey179and set off the fire alarm,180which can be a little touchy.181I spend so much time with this stove.182It's so nice to be able to cook183for yourself at school.184It makes me feel like a real grown-up adult185who knows how to take care of myself186and live a life, and that's nice.187That was the very abbreviated kitchen tour.188Then the rest of our living room.189Chairs.190More beautiful windows191for the beautiful outdoors.192Tessa dances in here a fair bit.193All the time.194I dance all the time.195This pillow has a story.196Our first year of living together,197we had a lounge and we decorated it.198We got a pillow like that199and it's so soft and fuzzy.200It's so soft.201I took it home202because I had taken it.203I took it home in the summer204and then my sister saw it205and decided it was hers.206My mother didn't want207to take the pillow away from my sister208so she bought me another one209that looks exactly the same210but it's more fuzzy because it's newer,211so now it's goldfish two.212It's like when your goldfish dies213and your parents buy you a new one.214It looks exactly the same.215That's the story of our pillow.216If you will join me in the abyss,217or the hall.218That's Tessa's room.219You will see we are220right across from another house.221Then we also have cool things222in the center of the doughnuts.223I live in doughnut three.224Look at all the beautiful art.225Isn't it so cool?226It's so nice.227Our doughnut is also one228with a laundry room.229You go down those stairs.230Here are the stairs231down to the basement where the laundry is.232It's actually not that bad because233people do their laundry234at all different times of day.235I have, so far this semester,236almost never had to wait for a dryer237or a washer.238It does happen sometimes,239but it's not bad.240That's it for the center of the doughnut.241Some people know how to work these ones.242I don't and I'm really mad about it243because they're so nice and cool.244There's squirrels outside on the trees.245here's groundhogs,246have a lot of groundhogs.247I think I've seen248at least three this semester.249They're beautiful250and they will go under your porch.251Speaking of, we have a porch.252Porch.253Ours is a little shabby254but we do have mint and basil.255Thank you for joining me256on this tour of my house.257I hope this provided you258with some more information259about what it's like to live at Hampshire.