GCU - Discover - Free trip to GCU!
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As I was heading from these videos, I thought about the true purpose of campus riel and that it's trying to give high school students and opportunity to see what a college campuses truly like. It reminded me of a great down future that Ji Soo has, you know, a great opportunity that they give two high school students, and that's a discovery trip. So once you apply to GC you and if you get accepted, they will actually find you out or drive you out. You know, they pay for your travel and then you stay at you. You get a, you know, we get a feel what it's like to be on campus. You get to maybe go to a sporting event and it's all free. Ji Soo really offers a great opportunity for those looking at a ten g c U. And like I said, it's completely free. That's what made me choose G C U over other colleges. Is that I saw the genuine personalities that people had on campus, and it was just such a great experience. So if you guys were looking to go to Ji soo, the application super simple, you guys, it took me, like, ten minutes. Ji Soo, that were second happen is that you get a free trip to Arizona and Young Gi Seo, so check it out, guys.