Why I Wanted to Work for CampusReel
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So I heard about campus riel on an ad, and I actually don't remember applying like over. Then I guess, like, I don't know how much longer after I got an e mail being like, Oh, yeah, we think you'd be great for our team. We reviewed your application and I was like, What? Hee? Then it it It sort of came back to me saying that I had to look up campus real again first. Then I was like, Oh, yeah, I remember signing up for this, sort of. Um But I love Gordon, and I really wanted people to see Gordon. Um, and I feel sometimes, like Gordon isn't as well representatives other schools. I think we sometimes like you, can find plenty of Gordon. Resource is toe like see, Gordon, But they're usually through Gordon's website and I feel like a lot of times Gordon isn't as well represented. Well represented on other websites and other kind of resource is that compile a bunch of schools together? Um, so I thought that would be kind of an asset so people could see corden. Um and I really just wanted to show people around the school because I love it. I wanted to show the things that I love about it. I'm so they can see them too, if they can't come visit. Um, And also, uh, thie payment wasn't bad either.