AJ Gordon Memorial Chapel
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So this is the bell in front of the chapel and this is the chapel. Obviously have chapel sessions here Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I'm up their sisters, the balcony, their offices up there, the chapel offices out there. It gets really bright with the light through the windows. We have our Monday Wednesday Friday chapel sessions in here during the holidays give what's called the Christmas gala. There's tons of music, tons of people definitely try to come to that if you can. So all the bands, um and we have concerts in here gatherings in here, Uh, basically anything important. A lot of people come to is going to be in the chapel. This's our chapel office and great Chapel South. This is where they all say, it's really great of you. We have an outdoor education class called Discovery that's required if you don't do La Vida, which is like a twelve day hiking or canoeing trip. Um, and during the first semester, Sarah was my Discovery leader, and she's amazing. If you come to Gordon, there's also a really beautiful painting between the second and third force in the stairwell. So up on the third floor, there's a really cute lounge area in the middle.