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So if you walk from a library way over there in that corner is frost and then we have the brought over here. They sometimes have sports games here, the, um, kind of block off a big section and the soccer game sometimes C E. C, which is our campus events counsel. Sometimes we'LL put on movies on the quad, so they set up a big screen and they they provide snacks and everything. We have movies on the quad, Um, and yeah, you just see a lot of people studying here gets really sunny is a really nice place to study. There is Chase, which is the other sweet style bathroom dorm. There's some more halls, one that side and there's costs, which is the science center. When it gets warmer, there's lots of students ham making long here. There's also a really pretty good Bebo, and we're here. There is a flower which is the first sign of spring way. Look at the floor, guys, update guys, this is like a week later. The flowers aren't there so many more now, and I'm so excited to show you. Then there's tons of offices in here is a lot of people in here. I really love this building, so I'm not exactly sure who he waas. His was called the Prince Mira State, and this used to be his house, so it's pretty cool. It's basically like an old mansion turned office and admissions building, but it's one of my favorite buildings on campus. It's actually the coolest clothes right now, but the inside's pretty cool. So another fun fact is that up in those trees, right there is another ropes course thing. If you do discovery, one of the final things you do on like the ropes course is you go up in those trees instead of the regular Discovery course and get pulled to the top, and then you pull the string and you swing all way down. You passed the science center and then all the way at the end of this path is there's chase again. I really just think it's really pretty, Um, and if you walk there that little piece off the side of the student center, which is also right there, that's Lane, um, is the bookstore. You walk past the chapel over here, keep going down, there's the hill, and that is where all the hill dorms are. Yeah, I hope that gives you a little bit of an idea of how our campus was laid out, where everything is sort of relative to each other. It's kind of hard to tell from a video, but I really love it. Side note guys campuses really cool at this time, and it's kind of dark enough that is almost night, but still bright enough to see without the lights. It's kind of cool, and also you can see the geese over there. There's tons of them and they're pooping all over the quadrant right now. You know, just watch out for goose poop when you come in here, but not the clouds.