A walk around the pond!
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We're walking along the road in front of a lot of buildings. That's the recital hall right there with all the windows. You look at the music center video you'LL see from inside. Like if Bethany, you learn something new every day Anyway, here's the doc. Wait here because the wind might blow your papers often, so but you cut if you're feeling like you really want to live on the edge here is so pretty. Um, there Ton of trails were just walking on the lake Big loop. Also there's another, like, smaller pond off this side. So they're a bunch of shows that Bethany night both having gone on this one of them. I don't know what those two, but this is Gold Palm is like a smaller little fun behind Koi pond. Sometimes have bonfires here, and they do worship because people just leave one shoe here. We're just going to keep walking around the trail. We do know over there you can see our chapel kind of through the trees. There's the cute little bridge, so off one of the trails, if you come up this way, is our discovery course. Here in the Gordon Woods, where the discovery courses here, just some of her element for the high ropes course they go all the way around. There's one all the way up there, and around here we have. There's more elements further back, Teo sort of like lower ropes elements on. There's like, picnic tables over there and you'LL sit over there. Discoveries and outdoor education class on DH. When you come to Gordon, you're required to take one. So that could either be leave Edo, which is like a twelve day canoeing or hiking trip in the outer on Dex. So if you don't do a video, have to Discovery goes to four half of a semester, Um, and also like so higher ups is a big part of it. Also it's about building relationships of people around you and kind of like team building. Kind of sounds cliche, but it's actually really fun. I think if you take the biking P E class, you go on this trip. So I hope I don't fall in right now because we're kind of shoved at the end of this log butt. I love this pond Here's another video clip that looks probably the same to all you guys, but it's pretty, so we're gonna go with it anyway. Of the pond guys, it's actually a lot bigger than it looks when you're walking through any part of campus, because there's like a section that such is really far behind the residence halls, and it goes really far in the other direction, too. So it doesn't look very big in the video either. It's pretty big once you got here so you can hear the animals. I've been informed by besting, and apparently they're called peepers. I don't really know what that is, but we're just gonna roll with it. Um, we'LL see you hear them? Maybe not a shocker. Guys like another cliche view, but it's so pretty. No, it's Davila and there's the fun's Okay, this is even prettier guys. I love Koi Pond inside of it, won't you? There's the child wants up. Oh, my gosh, That's the chapel! There's lane.