Gonzaga dorm room tour (double) in CM - with Ajay
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I'm not going to show my roommate side moment because it's a little messy. We have a war, my ward here, which is a pretty decent size about maybe six feet of two inches tall. The warships of pretty large have think I need and it comes in. All rooms and cm come with a safe, and I have my proteins, detergent and stuff. My bed, which is not lost, lives raised to the highest setting so I can keep my drawers about extra. I have five plants, but you're usually open up for the sunlight, which are usually up there otherwise. They have three tours, very standard college called storm desks. Not so standard is that we have this on time input pictures and yeah, so desks here, Gonzaga are the same basically everywhere on campus. The only thing is that CM has this weird like Gap over here where there's room and all the other dorms have this little thing that goes all the way there. Usually I don't study at my desk because I go to the library for another study spot. It's definitely an option that would really work because there's enough space and we have a fridge in the middle. So the TV on the side and a pretty large, very decent sized room. Anything about our dorms here, Gonzaga or at least a law schools is that you can ask for your bed to be lofted, or you could bunk in with the roommate if you guys feel so feel like it. It's not necessary because there's enough room in the dorm for both of you to have your own separate beds from each other. There aren't really many options you could have because all the dorms are so small. Most storms, whether is like a wardrobe, the bed and desk, usually me and on the other side as well.