Game day at Gonzaga (The Basketball Games) - With Ajay
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Gonzaga is one of the most exciting seasons here, Gonzaga basketball season, which is actually right now. Luckily, I film some amazing clips like Show You the real experience about the basketball season here. So one thing that AA lot of students do is that we wait in line in the freezing cold of Spokane and, like twenty to thirty five degrees weather in Fahrenheit. Like, stay out in the freezing cold to be like the first ones in line for tickets. So we ensure that we get a spot in the student section because there are on ly a limited amount of tickets sold, zeroing in line for ticket distribution. They give one thousand two hundred of US tickets and we camp out in the cold for hours on end, then act like homeless people, right? Blake Hard. So I make sure to bring a blanket and a lot of like, warm clothes. It's really fun because you were with your friends and really just get experience of bonding. Usually held on the same day that you wait in line and you get super hyped and we do our at the beginning the first five minutes before the actual game. The entire student section like does this crazy dance. We, like, all know what to do and looks freaking amazing on camera. Team, get that team spirit and it's it's really amazing.