Meet Chloe, a Digital Design Student at Glasgow Caledonian University
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Hi I'm Chloe and I live in Glasgow and I am studying Digital Design at Glasgow Caledonian University.The reason why I enrolled into this course, essentially was I had studied Digital Media at City of Glasgow College and Digital Design at GCUis essentially a kind of next steps for that course, especially for students who are leaving their course and looking to get a job. In this course you've already got industry experience and it's yeah it's so beneficial. In your fourth year you are given a mentor from industry and it has been one of the best things I think I've ever experienced in my years of education, having that person to go to with any questions I have about industry, to show them the work that I'm doing and to get feedback is just more than you could ask for really. Another thing that attracted me to this course I think was the opportunity to really explore different creative avenues. So in my first year I studied MotionGraphics, Website Design, User Psychology UXUI Design. So then in your fourth year you're really allowed to sort of narrow down your passions or you know what you really love doing and exploring them even more and really crafting your skills and the lecturers on this course are just beyond amazing. They are so willing to help, they're so passionate about what they do, they're very supportive. I think the type of students who would thrive in this course I think would be students who are looking to take those next steps in education and digital design or even graphic design, motion graphics user experience. There really is a bit of everything there for everybody, so if you're really interested in design, I would definitely recommend to apply to this course and I think students who are really passionate about design as I said, there's just so many different pathways you can take with this course and it really accommodates everything which is lovely and it gives you that sort of a little bit of creative freedom to explore what you really love.