The Video Where Tandra Wishes Lunch Lines Weren't so Long
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Somebody take you guys on a tour of our student union? It's basically were most of the lunch options are and have my friend tagging along with me on this journey show you where you got to get the best stuff beat. Why the lines are so long and all that so stay tuned. Hey, So right here is Gus Smart? It's basically like a little convenient store gonna take you guys inside. Um, you have to go through this I mean, they have, like, of the typical kind of college essentials, they also have sandwiches available. Now, as you can see, like I said, it's lunchtime. I'm personally here to get a drink today, so that's what I'm getting. Hey it's a little bit later in the day, but I kind of wanted to show a comparison of the union when it's super super full and when it's not Super Super Fool. You can see Basically, everybody is gone for the day. The line that was here for chick plays pretty much gone. I'm actually about to head to Starbucks and get a drink before my next class. Yes, there's a star in there because I'm a star, but I actually didn't have to wait in a line. We have this thing on our campus called Tapping Go. It's an African download and connect your Eagle I D card to, and basically, whenever there is a line you can order ahead and typically get your drink faster. It does get backto because everybody thinks that they can order on the APP and kind of get their food faster. There's light on the APP into the line during lunch. You can use it for any of our like on campus dining locations. So for Chick fil A Star Books, another coffee shop that we have in our library and basically just everything on campus, you're able to download it and use it for.