The Video Where Tandra Talks About IT Building
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Um, I walked by the building in the previous video, but I realized I didn't show you guys the building it off. I'm going to show you guys what makes the building. So there are two places to eat in the I T building market Street deli and a small Gus smart, which is like our convenience store in campus. They added the gusts mar few semesters ago for people on the side of campus who didn't want to walk all the way back up to the union to like by, like, things they might want to eat. So we'll take you guys inside the building and let you know what it's all about. It is three floors with a whole bunch of computer labs. Honestly, I think it looks prettier a night than it does during the day. So this is the atrium of the I T building, obviously super quiet now. In the middle of the day, it's bustling with activity. People sitting down trying to grab a bite at Market Street over there or coming in and out of Gus Smart, which is like a convenience store, has everything from sushi, too. Marcus trees where you can get a proper sandwich left happen. Or most of the time we're on the second floor of the building right now. Unlike the buildings that are like the like the rooms that would be in like a place. They're actually outlets for like students, laptops and their phones here, obviously very tech focused. So the building is filled with classrooms that all they have inside of there are computers now. Obviously, a lot of them were for like the programming classes for the student, but they're also available for students to use any time between when the building opens at about six or seven AM until midnight. Computer systems, computer science, all that good stuff. The all take classes right in there have a lot of respect Fried T majors because it's basically like Maur math like his way more math in numbers and data that I'm accustomed to, which is why I've been Sanford Hall. So it's just really great ability ng really great people, the labs. Like I said earlier, my favorite part of the whole building open till midnight. It's building definitely one of the three important academic buildings on campus.