Mauro shows you the football and soccer stadiums!
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So here were entering the George Southern soccer field. Um, it's home toe, also determined to have see for now as they build their stadium. We're at the George Southern Girls soccer game. This field is also played on by the men's soccer team, and it's actually a pretty big field. If it's around three thousand students, I like this pitch more than, Ah, other schools pitch because the grass is just amazing. Soccer's a popular sport here, but not as popular as football is. There's a huge football school, and I couldn't show you other football stadium because it's not for bosses in your so it's not open. I'm a show you some clips that I have from the football season, so let's get into that. It's a turf grass on DH Stadium fits about thirty thousand people, and game days are usually the best days on the weekend because the atmosphere here adore Southern is crazy. A lot of times they have tell Gates outside of the stadium on the parking lot. I usually go to like, the international students tell Gate because they're fun. Like, that grassy area CD. So, Yeah, this was a national Guard day, so Yeah, they brought cannons and the Buchanans was pretty cool. I want fireworks and stuff, so yeah, I hope this gives you an idea of how game days like, Here's your son.