Student/Professor Relationships
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Building a relationship with professor at Georgia Tech is actually very easy. All you have to do if it's a big class, is go to their office hours because your professors want to get to know you. They want to see their students, They want to see you succeed. So I have to do is go and talk to them and they know your name. They'll know who you are, and you can just build a relationship like that. When you have smaller classes on, obviously is a lot easier to build a relationship with a professor and you may not get those your freshman year. Even if you just go talk to your property, your professor before class or after class and just introduce yourself. That way, if you email them in the future or if you wanna go meet with them, they'll recognize your name and you can build a relationship further from there. Whether you want to build it for research or recommendations or anything of the sorts. It is very easy to get a good relationship with a professor here. Attritional classroom size is about twenty to thirty students. For a classroom type, that's not a lecture, which is very beneficial. So I am also going to show you a few of the classrooms at Tech, which are classes that I have specifically. So I have shown a little bit of my e digital system design class, which is in van lier. Because is going straight through if he is one, when we have because this one yet so yes, it's a selective in murder.