Student Interview: Sean Waldron

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So what is your name, and why did you choose to come to Georgia Tech? Yeah, so could you please introduce yourself and tell me why you chose to get attack? I'm Sean Waldron, and I chose to come to Tak because it's in St like, I'm from Georgia, so I get, like, a good amount of scholarship money. Okay? And can you tell me about the academic court climate at? I mean, it's pretty tough. Can you tell me a bit about the student crime? It's lasted in diversity. Um, I mean, most of the people here are, like, pretty smart and so like the kind of But that's not that bad. Like a lot of people here. Okay, um, what are a few pros and cons about Georgia Tech? Uh, few of the pros Or that it's cool that it's like in Atlanta, you know, you got the whole city and like buildings. One of the main cons is the food freshmen dining plans. What is one defining feature of George attacking from Paris and other universities? One defining feature of Georgia Tech is that, uh, it's a really tough school. You gotta work hard if you want to be successful. Lastly, if you could give advice to your senior yourself throughout the application process, what would you say? I probably tell myself to, like, get, like, all the applications and stuff done ahead of time, Because if you wait till last minute, then you're probably going to a very good job on them.