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Night Out at Georgia Tech
A night at Georgia Tech can consist of a Greek philanthropy event to a fraternity party to a night of studying. No matter what you choose to do, ending with a late night bite at Wing Zone or Waffle House will be the cherry on top of a fun day.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Party culture is actually a very important part of George attack. So I just have a few years of what the inside of a party is like at ten Wait. Way are at output, please King apart, which is basically like a talent show to raise money for heart disease. So I miss you a little bit of what a sorority that is like. Part of a night out attack is where do you go when you're done instead of going back to your dorm? One very popular place to go is swings in which is on West campus, and it's open till I want to say about two or three a m. And they have wings, burgers, anything of sorts, please.
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