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We're no longer in the calm before the storm were smacked out right in the middle of it. Tornadoes over there! Quick! Right? They're all ton of natural disasters everywhere. I don't know if I'm ready for this quiz yet. I've studied a little bit, but I don't know what to expect. I have not had any food today, so I need to fuel my brain to get those A's. I need a powerful meal, not ordinary oatmeal. Today I'm going above and beyond waffles making with my waffle maker. You throw the water, makes them coconut water and screw this electrical engineering stuff. I'm thinking What if I had protein powder to give it Maur protein? Get those extra gains. Now the ultimate question, How do they taste? All right, I'm gonna taste us. Now I'm about to go All food network on y'all coming up next on Food Network. All right? Now that I finished eating, I need a legit start studying because I'm not prepared. So I'm gonna head to the study lounge, which is a floor above Theo Theo Case You're wondering practices before game day declaring. Beginning the Jane Austen class, we decided to watch a little clip off of DVD. It wouldn't work. That didn't work either, so I probably don't have a career in the i t. Industry. We also discussed Lady Susan the morality, the characters, as well as their portrayals, Theo. It's a good thing you were wearing your hard hat. We could perform for Clemson as well as learning some new stand tunes like Game of Thrones Fun ready to ace a quiz, Am I right? Let's go. I was the only way that I killed that math test. Chapters to sit before is the place where you get all the logistical stuff done in the bathroom. There are three showers and two of them do not have shower racks. So what I'm gonna d'oh is I'm gonna propose to get to shower racks into two showers that don't have shower. The house manager wasn't there, so I wasn't able to ask about. Okay, So chapter and it actually ended pretty early. Figure I hadn't had the gym all day today, So that's what I'm gonna do right now. Whenever I don't, I don't feel good, Theo.