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Wake up earlier, leaning eight o'clock instead of nine. So I have a class at 9 30 and it's something about electrical engineering. I'll find out, like in a couple minutes and let you guys know, But I have another full pack day ahead of us, so get ready. The only thing I'm having for breakfast is this Protein shakes, huh, Theo? Interesting thing about George attack is that there's two computing buildings I need to find the college of computing. So it is either that building right there where that building right there will alert It was the 2nd 1 Wish me luck. I'm ready to learn some electrical engineering buzz. Buzz decided to sit in the back of the class because that's what the cool kids are not gonna lie. He started talking about superconductors, and that kind of went way over my head. But he started talking about Edison and test little like yo, I know those two people, right? Cost is interesting, but I am really hungry. I've been from here for that whole entire hour and 1/2 so I'm gonna get some food now. I'm thinking some chick fil A. I just realized it's 10 50 chick play. Is this serve breakfast anymore? I think it's time for plan B. Okay. Can I get originally like a low calorie? Want to thank you? Spiegel was looking so good over the summer. I was on a hardcore diet, so I couldn't eat things like this. Now I'm gonna enjoy every I think Biggles is right. So I'm gonna finish this up real quick, and then I get to work out. No. Look, we got a bouncy house and Popsicles over there. Now, now it is time for this obstacle course can do the obstacle course. Who's gonna raise me? Who thinks they got what it takes to be me or you think you got what it takes to beat me? Yeah. Go. It was an intense race, but my strategy was mostly to flail around like fish and hopefully get to the finish line before him. So now I have to go to a class at 1 30 I think it's math. I'm not entirely sure I'm doing both worksheets. I don't even know the whole time of math stuff, But I wouldn't care because I'm a math pro. So as you can see me eating in this video right here When I said it was a busy day early today, I really meant it. So now I'm about to head over to my friend's place because they started a podcast that I'm gonna be on becoming a superstar Dude. I like the dick or so here explained your podcast for the experience. Where did they find you at that would be playing some games on a flea. The best podcast I've ever been on Union Audio Check right now. Anyway, check out the link below You want? I won't listen to it. So I walk in and the professor is comparing raiders of the Lost Ark to a chronicler Delta function. We just learned about signals and how to process them. So it's been an hour to since the last pickup camera. Man, I hate to say that I'm excited, but like I'm so happy that it's almost over. I don't have that energy to get out to everyone. Where are you excited about last day of rush? I'm so sorry. Okay, So I think I'm looking sufficiently frat right now at rest.