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Year of those days where their alarm clock goes off, you press news and then it goes off again a new press news again. Then again and then again and then again, as telling got a late start today. Let's start a class professor asked What type of insulator is commonly used? And I said rubber and I was correct to do so. We talked about static wires, circuit breakers re closer, his potential transformers. To be honest, they all looked like Iraq Olympics to me. Okay, Was raining when I was walking to in coming back from Plus so I'm trying to keep a little bit quiet because one of my roommates is still asleep. Half of the outlets in this room are out. We're practically living in the Stone Age as an electrical engineer. No. Another sad thing is that since the power's out, I can't use the microwave to eat my oatmeal. I'm gonna take a shower quick and get back to you. Okay, So I talked with the house manager, and apparently the Breakers might be out in this room, so we're one step closer to having functioning power again. As you can see, there was a nice chicken alongside of a great salad and we ate together cause the proud that eats together stays together middle class until 1 30 So I'm gonna take a quick little power and out before I go to myself to sleep in short bursts. That's why I took a power now, because I have classes to go to have a lab have to pick up stuff for the lab, I have to study for the lab, and then I have to also work out. So arrived a little late to class that I pick up some worksheets in class. Well, in the distance from point B to a plane angle between two planes and quadratic surfaces. Yo, what's up? Can I buy some parts for 2031? Yes. I'm gonna buy a little wired wires and circuits an essential part of an electrical engineers to okay, after underclass, which is only a floor above son. I didn't film going upstairs, but here's what it would look like in systems costs. We learned about linear time and variant systems as well as discreet time. Innit? Down another costs over after running the gym so I can actually complete my work out before my class or my lab been running around all day. I mean, great time this weekend, it about like 10,000 calories. So I have to run and find a printer in, like, 20 minutes and also get the lab so I can take a pre lab quiz. I think the closest printer here would be the library's on my head. There now. There we go to print it out real quick, and I'll be good to go. Theo Slob is literally in the middle of nowhere, for I don't know what that is, but that's a really cool looking. Maybe one day I'll be able to build something that cool. Do I even have to explain it to you? Is a pre lab that I the print out at the beginning of our lives. We had a discussion about what's expected of us as well as the rules and procedures. Okay, so for the lab, if you have red means you have a question. If you have yellow, it means that your check also pretty much the Red Cup is gonna be up for me all times. So this live was pretty much an introduction to how this thing works. As you can see this in my pre lab, which is actually an exclusive or gate, which we hooked up to the D to board. It made the lights turn on and off based on the corresponding outputs. You don't want the lab an hour and 1/2 early, By the way, I was zooming through that. So I get back makes proposals, So I'm gonna hop in quick note a mix of proposals where we dance In order to get a sorority to party with us tomorrow.