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Did I miss breakfast? Breakfast is like my favorite meal of the day. Today is what we call wet Friday, the first time parties are thrown on campus. Am I gonna party? Well, did the little pig cry wee, wee wee all the way home? Okay, But for real I'm just happy and excited to chill and hang out with some friends tonight. You need to balance the working aspect of your life as well as the having fun aspect of real life. Now, enough with this waking up at 11 o'clock stuff off the top of my head. I'm thinking, Jim, I just took a shower. Since it's already so late in the day, I think I'm just gonna go get lunch and then go to the gym. They're making us take out the trash looking thing that actually surprisingly looking good today. I don't want to screw up the first homework assignment that I get. What I have to do is after watching video and answer some questions, so it should be pretty easy. I found these really cool sweatbands that I'm gonna wear way movie with extra protein Theo van giving new uniforms with here. So I'm about to run over there and get a fitting on the line for Emily. Look at those Those look sexy in a more serious really posed pictures about the uniforms. Theo? All right, I'm ready to get a hat, too. I got a big brain theme for tonight's party is a Hawaiian party. So I'm gonna change into my Hawaiian shirt so I can dress the part too. Looking so festive when I go to class, which I'm about to go to right now, This class is called Digital Design Lab, where we have to build some. At the end of the semester, we're gonna be building computer, Which sounds fun. Well, I know what the end of semester? Probably not either. Now I'm off the band again, going to be there on time for once, because my Friday cost is different from a Monday Wednesday class. Turns out practices inside today because of thunder. I'm kind of like the defacto leader of the clarinet section. Yeah, Yeah, course right, Carl, I just I have this really cool tuning up that when you get perfect in tune, it goes a little smiley face. This is literally the most exciting point of the day for me. I had to walk through the rain to get here inside the eat dinner and help get ready for the party.