Housing Quads
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I actually lived right up there this past summer, and this's on West campus, which is more like Who me feeling? It's less on campus on so fun place to be. In the eighth Street apartment complex, there are four different Eighth Street buildings north, east, west himself and these are for upperclassmen housing. You can start getting them in your second year, and it is an apartment style where you have individual bedrooms. So when the double apartments there's one bathroom and Claude's there's two. This is just like a nice little hangout area for everyone who is in these apartments and also on the west side of campus, which there are few. There's this Nelson Shell ze bar molding, the Centre Street apartments, Christine and there are probably a few more in comparison to on East Campus, which I will show you in a bit. There is only the North Avenue apartments sick, I tell you about later. Carrie Harrison and Field Quad, which is the freshman crime, and I actually lived there. Hopkins and this is just a great space, selecting out paper ever behind those bushes.