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"What do you think about the Dining Options at Georgetown?"
If you aren't a fan of typical American food or maybe you like to spice it up a little Leo's is a great place to try. They pride themselves on incorporating Central Amercian cuisine. Each night is different so make sure to give it a try. The food options are always changing on campus, if you ever get bored of on-campus options just head off campus to try something else.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Are you eating? Well, right now I'm eating says on from upstairs, Leos. It's like perfection that has, like, Central America. Sometimes in other parts of herself, they have like a chip. What do you What do you think about the dining here in Georgetown? In general, I mean, it's not the best of other universities, but they definitely improved it. It's something that, like people bond over. If you know, like there's options other than but just dying hole on campus, there's like the applications. Like, I don't like to spend money on food. So I do Just use the meals, wife options and they're honestly, you look like find ways to make it good.
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