student life at georgetown

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My name is Avery Ryan triggers an anthropology major. I chose Georgetown because I mean, such a big school acceptance letter. Museum the Smithsonian and stuff and, ideally, look a museum. So could you describe for me, the student, the door shut? University student body and stereotypes at Georgetown? The Georgetown student body. In the stereotypes, I would say the stereotypes is that everyone is very engaged in life, different clubs, overachieving, reaching for everything. Your people are like that kind of statehood for reason at the same time, not everyone is like that. Could you describe the academic climate like major workload? Classroom dynamics? I would say the world be a wass. The same time I think the culture of working is someone encouraging because of me again, what kind of person you are helps think. So what are the frozen pros and cons of being a Georgetown University? Be brutally honest. So what are the pros and cons? The frozen cards? One calm kind of going off. I said early out says that sometimes the culture here it can be a lot kind of smuggling, too. A lot of people, especially until health wise stuff the froth pros still says that you need help. You can generally find it, not to mention there are connections and classes we can pretty colonel. What defines your school slash differentiates it from other campuses. I mean, every school that I go to with Professor's classes, connections, whatever down Pontus. People are generally ready, engaged on campus, always doing something. Trying to go to something reaching for No. Do you have any advice to your fresh mint yourself? First freshman yourself. Do you have any advice to your senior yourself? You're so Thank you.