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transportation in georgetown
It's awesome that Georgetown University is so close to the city itself -- but how do Georgetown students travel around DC without a metro stop? Camille talks buses, the Georgetown University Transportation System (GUTS), capital bike shares and accessibility.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Um, if that's not enough for you, we have capital bike stand over there. Um, so we have that much or a bus? The DC circulator. Then he really want to go to, uh, tow a metro stop. Buses got stands for Georgetown University transportation systems, and so it has five different shuttles that go to different places around the George drink around the D. C. Area, Which helps a lot for people like me who have tio go around the D. C area. So you're Sean really wants to work on access abilities. They're able to go wherever and whenever you want to go.
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