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Leah explains her Favorite/Least Favorite parts of Georgetown as an International Student
Favorite thing: There is a huge international community here at Georgetown with a huge emphasis on race. Students are all willing to help those who are new to the process.
Least favorite thing: Adjusting to the whole new environment with new traditions and language is always going to be difficult. Having friends that are willing to help make it so much easier.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Tell me your favorite on these favorite part about George. So my favorite part about Georgetown as an international student is that there's a huge international community. It's really diverse and they're really welcoming, and that was really good coming into Georgetown. My least favorite thing is that there's a huge emphasis on grades on People are competitive, but you kind of ease into it, so you get used to it. That's just my speed in terms of competitive like What do you mean? Like if you if you ask someone for their notes, but they say Yes. It's just that, you know, people put a lot of emphasis on grades and then their curves and so on. So they obviously don't want you doing better than them.
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