Mariyah Adnan - Technology and Innovation in MiM
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So for those of you that are really focused in on technology and innovation, um, the program obviously stem designated. So you'll get a lot of, you know, how it programming languages, um, such as our, I'm not sure if you guys are doing SQL or python, but you'll do one or the other. Um, so certainly you gain technology focused, um, languages through there. Otherwise, in the cases that we do, there's a lot of tech centric or innovative companies in our global business experience, you get to do consulting project with a company in one of those areas. I'm personally working on one within augmented and virtual reality companies. So certainly there's no lack of technology and innovation there, but if you even want to gain further understanding of those fields, um, later on in the maws in mods for I believe you'll be able to get some time to choose your electives and there's certainly all focused into technology and innovation, whether it's Fintech, whether it's entrepreneurship, whether it's further into programming, you have so many options there that will further, um, that underlying principle of technology and innovation within the program.