Holi - A School Celebration
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
You got me a gin and tonic because I'm a shoe way Didn't stick his crutch of my ass Way are here Holy police. The festival of colors, colors Celebration of the seasons and changing of leaves On that wild cards Come out way do this. Here's body bodies about famous body Last time you're on this channel you said happy birthday to my mom. Wait Gives me grades happy Holy thistle Video Black. Why's there so much color of your eyes on the prize? Right here, baby. You like todo who likes to party and celebrate what you gonna do with the rest of your life, man, I am gonna run away further and for the country's until no one else would take me kind of move back to the U. S. And I'm gonna I don't know who run the world or some shit like that where him everywhere.