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I just want to give you guys a little dorm tour of my room, so I really like my room. It's kind of like a safe space, almost actually important when you get to school right away that you decorate your dorm room like the way you want it to be. Um, yeah, because you're going to be in it like a decent mouth and you're gonna be moving away from home, and you just want to have somewhere that you could feel really comfortable, kind of. So this is kind of like an overview of my roommate and nice dorm room. You see, we have, like, a fake plant in here to get a little greenery. She has some really cool artwork, like pictures from home. This is our fridge, which is just like a nice pop of color. Then we have, like, this cool rug in the middle. I have some pictures from home on that may have like a TV here, which we never actually used. The odds are you don't really need a TV. It's just like Netflix anyway. Then we have, like a nice plant and some lighting, and this is where I do like, make up and some homework sometimes and just like getting ready for things on. These are closet, and the closets are actually pretty decently size. Like, Obviously, it's hard to kind of shove all your stuff in one space, but get the gist. You have, like stuff up there and then clothes, and then you have, like, a drawer on the inside. Um, yeah, that's basically I I chose to put that drawer thing in my closet because then if you put it under your bed, you have to raise your bed up another notch. It's like, really hard to jump up on it if it's up that high because, like, I'm only five six, like I'm not six foot like, I can't really jump that high, so it's easier to just have it in the closet and then you don't have to kind of, like, struggle to get in your own bed. You can, like, look, get ready before your going out the door to leave, and then we have, like, a nice white board on the back here. I guess you could say I live in along my court south, which is like a very typical freshman building. This is the best building I would say to live in freshman year because it's like the funnest that's where you meet the most people on this one. Loescher those air kind of like, the too not like rivalries. Because, um, like people from those two buildings tend to, like, hang out with each other if you're struggling to decide between martyrs in here because I know martyrs like does have the A. C. Which is only beneficial for like a month, actually, and and after that you kind of regret it because the martyrs rooms are so much smaller than these rooms, so I recommend putting South as your first choice.