McKeon Freshman Dorm Tour

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So this is kind of yours, like Mrs Toilet Sink Shower, and I have a little sure speaker little catty up there, Lose me in this wall. One is a little mini cabinet, so that's a really nice and then we have three things. It is completely and utterly the smallest thing I've ever had to fit all of my clothes into, but I've managed to do it. The one in the little duffle is like a puffer that kind of fits. A lot of people choose to pull it little pull out drawers, but I just like to have all my stuff on display. I didn't Con Murray holding thing for my closet just because it's like the most efficient way to, like, put all of my stuff and be able to see all of it at once. This one is a super message, or but basically the only things that are really in here are my K missiles, my workout stuff and my pajamas because I was like, there's really no other place to put that. It goes shirts, dresses, jackets because those are the things that are usually longer. My blouse is I don't really like to fool things, so that's why it's literally stuff to the brim in there. They're the plasticky version of the velvet kind that you see everybody literally getting because they want to fit as much as they can in their closet. I decided to get the plastic kind because I needed some like, mobility going on, and those kind of hangers don't really allow for that that much. I have kind of like an assortment of like, random things. I just kind of needed toe fill space with those kind of miscellaneous things that kind of just needed a home. I put it on the inside of my little closet door because I don't like things hanging up in my room and I also just wanted a place that I could put it that I would open and see every single day. It's great for keeping you warm at night, and then this one is just like a little throw blanket that I just kind of have sometimes they use. Sometimes I don't use it just kind of, like depends. Honestly, under the bed storage is like a really big thing here. So there's a lot of things to go over that are under my bed on my butt is raised to the highest level. Um, And it was basically just like that when I moved in, which I honestly think is the most efficient, and I just kind of left it like that. So they're just kind of there, like, those are my shoes over here. I have all of the rest of things that I keep for storage. It has everything that I kind of just take with me to the bathroom every morning. The top one is like a medical kind of drawer and then we're moving over here. The bottom one has, like extra things like that's plates in it. So I have This is my school bag for the year, and I just kind of like put that by my desk. I like to study other places, so I just kind of have that kind of right there. The top of my desk has just like basic things, So I have a water bottle. I have my trifle mirror, and then I have my hearing display because I love to have things on display, and then I have all of my make up brushes and things like that, and then just a rain of stack of business cards because I took those out of a person. I haven't put them anywhere yet, so first things first on the desk is we have a drawer this story can really see all the way to the back up. It just has, like, basic school supplies like boring and then those like extra wires that I need for things. Yeah, that's literally all that ISS. The top drawer on the side is a hodgepodge of things, even though it looks really messy. There's only like seven types of things in here, so I have gum, water bottles, perfume, daily medication that's like really faster grab. That's not like I'm sick medication and then my setting spring and then in a box back there, necklaces that I don't wear because I just don't really like necklaces. So this is like all the things that it didn't have been. Like basically, it's just like my nighttime little hair things lotion, combs, brushes, lint, roller hair, stuff, deodorant because it's easy and then back there. My bag gets the last drawer, which is basically like extra school supplies and miscellaneous things that needed a home that didn't really have a home. So this kind of breaks my white aesthetic a little bit, but like it kind of goes with it. So if you open this up, I basically have all of so just going through really quickly, I have my concealer kind of miscellaneous. I set it up in, like, this general area right next to me, and I just kind of reached down and grabbed the next thing. I'm not gonna lie there, just kind of like, not as good as a view.