Interview with my roommate Vanessa in the Dining Hall!

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Pardon me? I'm gonna so will do I have to say my full name to start again. I transport him because I really wanted, like, a city, not like not only campus, so it's kind of nice because it can be kind of good and there is not much going on like you just get on a ramp and get on the metro and like, going into city with your friends and like, there's always something to do. Okay, um you kind of get close to your great because it's not that big, but it's big enough for like, you don't see the same people all the time, like always, meeting new people. Like, If you're not Billy, you're like, kind of like one of its use, something like that. So I'm an R in English, major, and I'm going to try and get my business money. So academic climate here on it's kind of nice because for me, at least like in my high school, we had classes of, like third year, so it's a little, and that's part of it is like you won't really have a class with more than thirty kids unless unless you're in like a lecture, which is rare. So that's kind of nice, like more focused, learning. So I was like, No, I want it to be different in college. You learn so much more when it's smaller, close and environment, and I find that really helpful favorite part of boredom. I can't pinpoint it like everything's awesome. Some of the food is not the best, but you don't like, figured out like that. You just want your final and your bike figure it out.