All You Need To Know About Life At Fordham

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You know what's the hardest reality? What if I lose it? You stole the tease. A lot of these things will be specific to Fordham, but this could help you if you're interested in going to any New York City school. Your apology, I get Basically I put my story asking you guys to ask me questions about schools in New York or Fordham. You don't go outside the class, it's great and it's really in school and it's in New York. Yes, that's why New York School four don't give me a waiver. Yeah, definitely compared to all the other schools, like in New York City's small, but not like too small. What do you want? Traditional? Yeah, I didn't want to walk a just yet. Plus, if you're watching this and you're deciding between Rose Hill and Lincoln Center Rose Hills, very traditional traditional college campus and Lincoln's actors really one building, Yeah, so I think that's the deciding factor. I don't know why people e yeah, I guess so many comments on my YouTube videos asking like how I decided. I feel like how do you not know which one? You will have one building in a New York City or you have a traditional campus in the Bronx, and it's just like, what? Your preference. Well, I don't know what that was coming in here. I took one religion class last semester, and it was like a little introduction to each different type of religion. One of the school was like, You know, Yeah, a lot of people think that, but it's not true the way there's a trick when you find a boredom because I look like still like their classes like you might not initially seeing you like you would even think that you because I've been a hair makeup class at Fordham which, like you think that would be teaching that at Jesse University and so random. We took a class called mother and Mother, and that was your specific. See, Professor can't know he's bad reviews, and sometimes I can't believe it. Yeah, but But like, if you do, that makes you look at that because they in turn, like a class of my fun into a war. Because the rate my professor ratings are usually pretty accurate when you're trying to schedule this Freddie school. I, like go to class, like out going to events that, like modeling, whatever back to class back looking for Yeah, plus a fordham. I don't go to class that I could go downtown, go to a casting a job. Just friends and class normally hang out outside of class. You know what? One day you should be like, Hey, you want to go to I don't know. Then they're gonna say, Yeah, I do want to go And then you become best friends. You notice it's the first day of school until last. You know, I was like, You want to go to invent with me and the only party and have and found a soul sister for like, you know, that's good advice. The class friends, like I see so many people even on campus for, like, just a little okay and that you know, that we know of each other just like we would have found another way to make friends. Compliments are great with Oh, yeah? Get your sometime like shoe. The meal plan, our school small and the dining hall is very small, and there's not many options. So basically when you come to school as a freshman, you get a meal plan swipes and also the dollars. They're just like, yeah, they doesn't mean yeah, they used to say, But the rain kept it. Yeah, yeah, which again? That's good or bad. But it's good because then you get a Chinese summer. Yeah, So you have everything you owe and then fried chicken in the cold, cold truth that is so good. Pretty late, So you can go get Zack and dining around school. If you're watching this, go look up Lord in the flame and leave coming up a little About what you found out because if you're really when you would know why, it's really important that Lord L O R d e not our Lord figure e don't wanna confuse you. It's right by school, but I school offers a discount at the way. Go anywhere those air just like that, Walking a lot of people always asking about money, like how I afford school and how, with the cost of living are like, Well, that's different for everybody. Does people take out loans? People get help from their parents scholarship? It's a lot of options, but the cost of living I don't know. Like, yeah, If you just put away a dollar and start doing that would change yourself like I have a Oh, my God, No, literally, I go, Okay, there's a pizza place called Justine knows by us. Like like there's so many, like, pop up shop at night where there's, like people in music and stuff. Did you know that the editor of Elle just left magazine and his teaching class aboard a question? Did you write it really Just announced last week after angel Country teach because I would be all over national. Yeah, like I'm trying to go on vacation and everyone, our class is like, you could really have days off for real Tuesday.