Academic Life: what to expect?
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So one of the classes, like in various state, How you cross Me either profession friendly are they gave you a hard time How exams. I know you have so many of those questions about that convict environment in Ebisu because this a couple months ago I had the same exact questions, and I kind of freaked out about it. So with the two months I spent here and furious, they are very happy. I can provide you with a surface answer to all of their questions. I take fi cast justice and master, which is been extreme system people because, like over which present would take three or four. I thought I wanted to challenge myself more and more credit. So why now? So I have some classes are in a more traditional lecture style, so it will be classes that hell in their big auditory in room with three hundred students. They're childish, you know, in a way that you sit there and just take note and you hear everything that packs a safe. There are not much interaction required and the other type of class I take here is the more tutorial and discussion based classes, so it will be like twenty two Terry student in the class. So a really smart group setting and in the process you will talk a lot of interacting with other students. Boys speak what's on your mind and be challenged in a way that you think differently. You think critically about issues that you're discussing, so I think that the second kind of class are more enlightening to me. Things file me more, and they have me to remember the concepts better. I feel that they are so much more interactive, but also more practical because I take a FIM teary fast, and one of the assignment is that you have to go out. You have to film stop according to the guy and some of the concepts that you learn in the and that was really fun. Then there was another class where we basically just watch movies and then afterwards discussed about at Ray's six next city that we see and we encounter in the movie and how different as they house similarly, to serve society And what do we get from so that those kind of crassness are very new, very different from me, and they really like it. I never thought that I would ever have something like that if it was in active environment. So that was really surprising in a good way from me. Since you're wondering, exams are mostly based on the electric books and the article that they cover in your class. If you run into you, understand that you and you, your file is here to get greats. There are also many extra credit opportunity for you to take a bad Tisha throughout the semester. So don't be down support it if you don't meet expectations because you're already if I something to have you improve your performance and about the professor's find them are really interesting. Give me bad idea about explanation concept if I have any questions. They always tried to make it easier for the students to understand which is good. I can make climate that I received here, and I think that education quality here is pretty high. So how do you recommend so, Yeah, I hope that answers your better idea of what to expect.