Molly Wiley Art Building

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Right next to Keenan Hall is the Molly Wiley Art Building were obviously, art classes take place. Now you can on ly get inside the art building if you're taking classes in here, which luckily, this semester, I am as an art minor. So with your idea, you go right inside my classroom. A. I got a lot of funky stuff because we're doing still life right now. Then you can take these rickety stairs all the way to the second floor, where most upper level classes are. I'm in studio for on the second floor, where a lot of second level are classes take place. Like I said, right now, they're working with campuses and still life, which is a lot of people do the first couple weeks of art classes. As you can see, we have a lot of crowding going on here, but classroom sizes are pretty small, which is what I didn't actually come here over the weekend and work on their projects, which I have to do because still I project due on Monday. I can actually see some of what they're working on right here working on specific techniques on how to draw.