Why I Chose ESMT with Selena
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I chose ESMT for multiple reasons. First of all I really liked the design of the program. The whole duration of the program lasts two years where in the first six months, all students will be studying at ESMT covering basic concepts, acknowledgement in business such as accounting, decision-making, organizational behavior and after the six month students will go out and find an internship and to try put what you've learned in class into daily practice. So after another six months of internship you'll be back to school hopefully with more knowledge of what you'd really like to do in the future career path and which specific areas you would like to dive deep into. And this is the time students start to study in their specific track which is the innovative track that includes entrepreneurship and digital strategy and the quantitative track that includes finance and data analytics. So the second thing I like about ESMT Berlin is the location. Europe- wise speaking I would say Germany is no doubt the most economically speaking powerful country and Berlin most of all has the most job opportunities from startup companies in Germany. So I would say when coming to the decision of choosing which business school to further your study, it all comes to everybody's mind that employment rate and salary is important. So if you take the data from this year, ESMT Berlin is doing a really great job and professors are also very proud that this year, according to the report of the Financial Times. ESMT Berlin is ranked number 1 in Germany.