Ted Shih - Esade MBA - Learning experience
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Well when I was applying for an SRE I was thinking that okay I already have several years of working parents and I'm from business background but I'm from financing and accounting. So for me I want a more bigger business picture rather than just focus on like some specific field. So in the end I chose S. R. N. B. And I can say that I really did a choice. Um Sorry NBA is really demanding because we use the kids study method like other top NBA school which means like you need to prepare a lot of cases before the class and building class, you need to participate. It you need to discuss with your classmates discussed with the professor. That because with everyone in class it's like kept debating. After the class you will have a lot of Simon individual one group one. Because it's got a really, really cares about teamwork um The academic life is really demanding and true but it's also fun if you want to join us at the NBA, I think it doesn't matter you from this background or not. So I hope you can join this at A. N. B. As well in the future.